Hi, I’m Victoria!
A company consultant and human talent developer. I’m also an activist and a world change leader. Currently I work helping companies and organizations better understand how to improve areas of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Hi! My name is Victoria and I am a human rights activist and a company consultant. I specialize in human talent development through the perspective of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
I studied advertising at Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología and Community Management at Universidad Creativa. I also participated in the Agents for Change program (2017 generation) of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Institute and I am currently part of Global Shapers, a global network of leaders who focus their efforts on generating positive impacts throughout the world.
Over 7 years ago I started working with businesses, organizations, schools, and even governments to understand how to improve their policies and work spaces. My activism and consulting work has a focus on providing trainings that ease the recognition of discrimination and inequality. These trainings are given through an approach that takes into consideration the intersectionality of gender, race, mental health, political and economic disparities.
Currently, I am the co-founder of the anti-racist collective Black Lives Matter Costa Rica and Colectiva Trans-Parencias whose political agenda moves towards the prioritization, articulation and development of affirmative actions and rights of trans peoples and sex workers in Costa Rica.
Click here to check out my CV and learn more about me.
Para Dani, te extraño beba. En junio no se es Trans como en el resto del año, en junio pesa un poco más ser Trans. Porque en junio salen las personas cisgénero, usualmente blancas, usualmente mestizas, a celebrar que hay “pride”, que hay un orgullo y que, gracias a una mujer Trans, Negra, seropositiva, trabajadora…
The pandemic of COVID-19 forced us all to change the ways we used to go on about life, and challenge the systems that permitted the fast propagation of this disease. One of the areas that was most affected by these changes was the labor field. People all around the world started to question the value…
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